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Our commitment to putting physicians first

Physicians and medical learners have struggled with burnout and depression, and the pandemic is making it worse.

Together, we’re addressing this issue with impact, immediacy and staying power. That’s why we’ve pledged $115 million over 10 years to support a vibrant medical profession and a healthy population with a focus on physician health and wellness.

The Canadian Medical Association, MD Financial Management and Scotiabank share a deep sense of appreciation and gratitude for physicians across the country.

We’re committed to putting physicians first.

Here are some of the initiatives made possible by this collaboration.

Supporting the unique needs of physicians

The Canadian Medical Association, MD Financial Management and Scotiabank are committed to supporting the unique needs of physicians.
Learn more about how our partners' offerings help achieve this.

Scotia logo

Learn more about Scotiabank’s banking solutions and the
Scotiabank Healthcare+ Physician Banking Program.

Scotiabank, MD Financial Management, and the Canadian Medical Association are firmly committed to supporting the medical profession and advancing health in Canada. As proof of this commitment, and in collaboration with the CMA and MD, Scotiabank is investing $115 million over 10 years to support physicians and the communities they serve across Canada.